Yes, it is mandatory for those individuals or legal entities, public or private, who carry out activities that are risky for the environment, ecosystems and their constituent elements. The contracting of insurance and its implementation seeks to prevent damages that may affect the general population. It is required by the competent environmental authority.
Registration Number: 0329 | CUIT: 33500057039
Registration Number: 0032 | CUIT: 30500001115
Registration Number: 0006 | CUIT: 30500039430
Registration Number: 0867 | CUIT: 30712162488
Registration Number: 0515 | CUIT: 30678561165
Registration Number: 0040 | CUIT: 30500043594
Registration Number: 0224 | CUIT: 30500049460
Registration Number: 0579 | CUIT: 30686244330
Registration Number: 0741 | CUIT: 33500057039